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Fantastic Four Beach Body Edition


We have teamed up with Fitness Incentive to supply challenge entrants with their meals for the Fantastic Four Beach Body challenge. All of the meals have been approved by Cor Brown and we will be following the nutritional guidelines given to us by Liz Keller, Eat Smart's nutritionist. Our EBM Meal Plans will be custom-tailored to your needs as a Fantastic Four Competitor.

For those of you new to Eat Better Meals, we suggest that females should go with the SMALL size, and males should go with the MEDIUM. This is specifically for weight-loss purposes. And the LARGE meals are for the super-active above sized human beings. We would recommend speaking with your trainer or Liz before purchasing anything different. 

We know you will be working hard in the gym, so we don't want you to have to work hard in the kitchen as well. We are suggesting the 6 day plans for ALL contestants. This will allow you to have 2-3 meals per week on your own.

Also if you have any questions about what to order, how to order, or anything at all we are here to help as well. We want to make sure you get exactly what plan will work for you to WIN this challenge! Feel free to give us a call, 516-387-6323.  

Start Your Winning Plan